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The Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a condition in men that causes the size of the breasts to be larger than normal. It results from the enlargement of glandular tissues in the breasts due to a hormonal imbalance. For men with gynecomastia, there are higher levels of estrogen (female hormones) compared to the level of androgens (male hormones). The […]


Botox While Pregnant?

Reality star Kim Kardashian and her beau, rapper Kanye West, may be celebrating the recent birth of their daughter, North, but while the public has yet to see pictures of the new baby, all eyes are still on Kardashian, but not because of her parenting strategies or her shenanigans on TV with the Kardashian “Klan.” […]


Amanda Bynes Undergoes 4th Nose Job

Amanda Bynes has caught the attention of the media recently after getting a makeover and Rhinoplasty. But despite her original positive reaction to her nose reconstruction surgery, the 27-year-old former actress doesn’t appear to be satisfied quite yet. Whether it’s because she did not have the plastic surgery procedure performed correctly the first time or […]


Look Like Your Favorite Celebrity?

Throughout the years there have been several plastic surgery trends that have taken over the media and dictated what the currently popular “look” should be. A few years ago it was Jennifer Lopez who women wanted to emulate for her voluptuous curves, while most recently, Kate Middleton has been the “it” celebrity, revered for her […]


Did Gwyneth Paltrow Get Plastic Surgery?

Gwyneth Paltrow has been in the spotlight for several years now, but while her beauty has certainly captivated audiences both on screen and off, like everyone else in the world, she is getting older and may be interested in dabbling in plastic surgery to turn back the hands of time. But while she has already […]


Angelina Jolie’s Double Mastectomy

Celebrities don’t usually tend to share plastic surgery stories with the world, especially when they want their fans to think they look that good naturally (not because a talented plastic surgeon gave them a helping hand). However, there are times when Hollywood stars come forward and share their surgery stories, which can often inspire their […]


Nose Job Does Wonders

Amanda Bynes is just one of those celebrities we can’t look away from. Usually, starlets with this kind of attention-drawing abilities have something other women want – a slim frame, beautiful skin, firm buttocks, etc. But while the 27-year-old former Nickelodeon actress has always seemed to dazzle in front of the big – and small […]


Arm Lift Plastic Surgery Procedures Increase

Plastic surgery trends often change depending on a generation’s preferences. There are times in which Chicago liposuction takes the lead as America’s number one plastic surgery procedure, while other times, non-surgical treatments like Chicago Botox become the popular choice for self enhancement. But while everyone has their go-to procedure, a recent report by the American […]


Are Gummy Bear Breast Implants Safe?

Although plastic surgery is a field that is ever-evolving, surgeons have to exercise caution when working with new treatments that have yet to show promising results. At Body Sculptor in Chicago, Illinois, Dr. Otto Placik is always searching for innovative procedures and treatments for patients, but warns that sometimes, not all surgeries that make headlines […]



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