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Gynecomastia, a condition that causes enlarged male breasts, is more common in men than many realize. This medical condition often happens during adolescence as hormone levels increase.

When gynecomastia happens in the teen years, treatment usually isn’t needed; the large size of the breasts at that age usually resolves after one or two years. However, gynecomastia that develops later in life usually is permanent.

Gynecomastia in older patients may occur after significant weight loss. Some men also develop the condition by taking certain medications, such as steroids.

Enlarged breasts in men can cause severe self-confidence problems, which is why men with the condition often seek surgical treatment.

Gynecomastia usually has these characteristics:

  • Extra localized fat in the male breasts
  • Extra glandular tissue development
  • Excess breast skin may be present
  • Can be present in one or both breasts

If you have gynecomastia, you probably want to know more about the procedure and how the recovery unfolds. Below is essential information to know about this condition.

Gynecomastia Overview

Gynecomastia is typically treated with Chicago liposuction. The surgeon usually uses local anesthesia on the chest, but they also may use general sedation.

The surgeon makes a small incision on each side of the chest. The surgeon will use a cannula to suck out the extra fat or glandular tissue through the incisions. They also will sculpt the remaining tissue to give you a more masculine chest.

Another option in more severe cases of gynecomastia is surgical tissue removal. The surgeon may make an incision around the areola and remove the extra glandular tissue through the incision.

If you have sagging skin as well, the surgeon can trim away this tissue.

Gynecomastia Recovery Tips

Now that you know more about Chicago gynecomastia surgery and why people have it, how can you reduce your recovery? Experts recommend the following methods:

Get A Lot Of Rest

Gynecomastia is major surgery, so your body needs time to rest and heal. In addition, the general anesthesia, pain drugs, and anti-inflammatory medications may leave you feeling tired after surgery.

You probably will need to rest more during the day and get more sleep for the first one or two weeks.

Before surgery, set up a couch or other relaxing spot in your home where you can rest during the day. Have a few books and DVDs handy, so you can easily pass the time and give your body the rest it needs.

Eat A Healthy Diet And Drink Water

When your body recovers from surgery, eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and lean protein is essential. Giving your body the nutrients it craves during recovery will make everything go faster.

Also, your recovering body needs plenty of water to flush toxins out of your system. So drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily.

Go For Walks

You shouldn’t engage in strenuous workouts for the first few weeks after gynecomastia surgery. Strenuous activities should be avoided, including running, lifting weights, playing tennis, or moving anything heavy.

Maintain a light activity schedule for about six weeks. However, it helps to go for a daily walk for 15 or 20 minutes. In addition, increasing your blood circulation will help you to recover faster.

Your plastic surgeon will inform you when you can return to more intense workouts.

Care For Your Incisions

Your surgeon will likely provide you with a compression garment to wear around your chest for the first two weeks. Compression controls swelling and offers support to the surgical area.

The garment also reduces the stress on the incisions and will help reduce the appearance of scars. You should wear the compression garment except when you shower.

Clean your incisions carefully as instructed by your surgeon. Also, change the bandages regularly.

Maintaining Your New Look

Gynecomastia surgery is intended to be a permanent procedure. This is because the removed extra fat and glandular tissue are gone forever.

But if you want to maintain your results, it’s essential to have a healthy lifestyle. For example, gaining weight, using steroids, or taking certain medications can make the condition return. Also, note that drugs that change testosterone levels can influence the results.

Talk to your surgeon about what you can do to maintain your results for years to come.


After this procedure, you should see an improvement in the appearance and shape of the chest. Many patients are sore for a few days, but the pain is usually managed with over-the-counter medication.

Every patient’s healing process is different. But most patients can return to work three of four days after surgery.

Note that some men may have a temporary loss of sensation in the breast. But it will usually return after a few months.

Enlarged male breasts can be an embarrassing problem that affects one’s appearance and self-esteem. The excellent news is gynecomastia surgery is a safe and effective procedure to make the male chest look more masculine.

Some patients decide to take advantage of having plastic surgery and have other procedures at the same time. Popular choices are a Chicago brow lift and a Chicago facelift.

Talk to your surgeon today about gynecomastia to find out if this is a good choice for you.

Request A Gynecomastia Consultation

Thinking about gynecomastia surgery in Chicago? Dr. Otto Placik is proud to serve Chicago area patients at his practice. He’ll go over the options, goals, and more to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for this procedure.


Male Breast Reduction. (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.emoryhealthcare.org/centers-programs/aesthetic-center/breast-surgery/male-breast-reduction.html#

Gynecomastia Surgery Overview. (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/gynecomastia-surgery#

Enlarged Breasts In Men. (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gynecomastia/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351799

Author: Dr. Otto Placik

Dr. Otto Placik is a Double-Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Chicago, a leader in the field of body sculpting, and is recognized for his artistry in a wide range of modern cosmetic enhancements.


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