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One of the more challenging plastic surgeries is rhinoplasty, also known as a ‘nose job.’ The nose is complex and highly visible, and rhinoplasty requires a surgeon with a high degree of skill to correct any deformities and preserve functionality.

While many patients are pleased with their Chicago rhinoplasty, there are situations where revision rhinoplasty is needed.

For example, a poor outcome to the initial procedure may make the nose look different than you want, or even worse than it looked before. It also can cause functional failure with an internal disruption or restricted nasal airflow.

Also, remember that some rhinoplasties don’t go well because of factors that don’t involve the surgeon.

Cartilage is known to have a ‘memory’ in that the nose can sometimes shift back to where it was over months and years. However, valve collapse also can happen where the tip is damaged, and this causes nasal obstruction.

The good news is revision rhinoplasty can be highly effective, and most patients are satisfied with the outcome. If you are thinking about getting a second nose job, below is essential information to consider.

Why Revision Rhinoplasty?

Patients who had rhinoplasty before but still want improvements to the nose’s appearance or function may wish to have revision rhinoplasty. But, again, it’s essential to select a highly-skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon for revision rhinoplasty.

Revision rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging surgeries plastic surgeons perform. First, patients who didn’t like their original rhinoplasty may not know that additional surgery may not correct the cosmetic shortcomings that weren’t fixed the first time.

Second, scar tissue from the previous procedure may interfere with revision surgery. Finally, scar tissue can mar the outcome because it can recur after the revision procedure and cause more issues.

Third, revision rhinoplasty may require the surgeon to use cartilage to replace damaged or removed cartilage during the first surgery.

Other problems that your surgeon may need to manage during revision rhinoplasty are:

  • The nasal septum may have a deviation that requires surgical intervention to improve function and appearance.
  • Nasal obstruction may be caused by the collapse of the nose tip, which damages the external valve.
  • A deviated septum may occur in revision cases that cause an internal valve collapse
  • Cartilage grafts may be needed to spread the internal valve area so repair can be done

Some patients also decide to have revision rhinoplasty when they have other facial procedures, such as a Chicago facelift, Chicago eyelid lift, or Chicago neck lift.

Revision Rhinoplasty Procedure

What is required during revision rhinoplasty varies by case. However, the surgeon may need cartilage for structural support for the bridge or tip of the nose. Septal cartilage may be lacking and your surgeon may use cartilage from your rib or ear.

Soft tissue abnormalities along the nose bridge or tip may require additional tissue. The temporalis fascia is a common source of this tissue, which the surgeon can take from your hairline.

Also, scarring in the nose may require the surgeon to use skin grafts to open the airway.

Some of the other issues that revision rhinoplasty may address are:

  • Nose shape: The revision procedure may continue to alter and refine the nose shape.
  • Nose size: Further refining of soft tissues can change the nose’s size and enhance facial symmetry.
  • Breathing issues: The previous rhinoplasty may not have resolved breathing problems, and the revision procedure can open the nasal airway.
  • Angle of nose: Nasal trauma or genetics can lead to a crooked nose, deviated septum, or other concerns with the nose angle.
  • Nose bump: Revision rhinoplasty can usually address the issue for patients with a dorsal hump in the nose. A small bump can be minimized with non-surgical rhinoplasty with Chicago injectable fillers.

Revision Rhinoplasty Side Effects

Some common side effects of this procedure are:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Numbness
  • Tenderness

In rare cases, patients may have damage to blood vessels, nerve damage, obstruction to the airway, and excessive scarring.

Remember to follow your surgeon’s instructions after surgery for the best outcome. As with your original rhinoplasty, you should keep the head elevated as much as possible after surgery. Sleep on your back and not your stomach so you don’t put pressure on your nose.

Also, be sure to attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon. Revision rhinoplasty has a higher complication rate so it’s important for the surgeon to check your progress often.


In the hands of a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon, you can have impressive results from your revision rhinoplasty.

However, remember that revision rhinoplasty has a higher complication and revision rate than those who have rhinoplasty for the first time. Therefore, it’s essential to know that your surgeon can’t guarantee that you’ll have a favorable outcome with revision rhinoplasty.

If you are thinking about revision rhinoplasty, it’s essential to check if your board-certified surgeon has experience with this procedure. Skilled rhinoplasty surgeons probably see more revision cases than surgeons who don’t do rhinoplasty often.

Check the surgeon’s website to see how many rhinoplasty cases they do. In addition, your surgeon should be able to give you the contact information of previous patients who were satisfied with their revision rhinoplasty.

The most critical factor in your revision rhinoplasty is selecting a skilled, experienced surgeon with whom you feel comfortable and at ease. Most patients who didn’t like their first rhinoplasty are pleased with their follow-up procedure if they follow the recommendations made here.

Request A Revision Rhinoplasty Consultation

Thinking about revision rhinoplasty in Chicago? Dr. Otto Placik is proud to serve Chicago area patients at his practice. He’ll go over the options, goals, and more to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for revision rhinoplasty.


Understanding Revision Rhinoplasty And Why Patients Seek Out This Procedure. (2019). Accessed at https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/understanding-revision-rhinoplasty-and-why-patients-seek-out-this-procedure

Revision Rhinoplasty Overview. (2020). Accessed at https://aedit.com/procedure/revision-rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty Overview. (n.d.). Accessed at https://facialplasticsurgery.wustl.edu/cosmetic-surgery/revision-rhinoplasty/

Author: Dr. Otto Placik

Dr. Otto Placik is a Double-Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Chicago, a leader in the field of body sculpting, and is recognized for his artistry in a wide range of modern cosmetic enhancements.


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