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Chicago breast augmentation with implants is one of the most popular plastic surgeries. Most women have outstanding results with their procedure as it gives their bodies an enhanced silhouette and more self-confidence.

Some patients, however, report symptoms they think are related to their breast implants. Breast implant illness (BII) is a term that some patients and physicians use to describe a potential disadvantage of implants. BII refers to a set of symptoms and side effects that some say could be an adverse reaction to breast implants inside the body.

BII has been reported with all types of implants, including those filled with saline and silicone. The condition affects every patient differently. Some reported symptoms are:

  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Problems breathing
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Problems with memory
  • Dry eyes and mouth
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Fluid collection around implant
  • Stomach and intestinal problems
  • Hair loss

These symptoms can happen any time after you have breast implants; some have issues right after surgery, while others develop them later.

Many BII symptoms appear related to various connective tissue and autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma. Some patients with the condition are diagnosed with a connective or autoimmune disease, but not all of them.

What Causes Breast Implant Illness?

Experts don’t know what causes BIA. However, research suggests that women with textured implants may have a higher incidence rate of the condition. They believe it could be because textured implants have more surface area and attract infection.

Infections could cause the patient’s immune system to respond, leading to BII symptoms.

Whether you have smooth or textured breast implants, avoiding infection is essential. Unfortunately, all surgeries come with a risk of infection, and breast surgery is no different.

BII Not Recognized Officially

At this time, BII isn’t viewed as an official medical diagnosis, so there’s no diagnosis code. In addition, the condition is still poorly understood and hasn’t been studied in detail yet.

Experts say BII is still viewed as a set of symptoms that don’t fit into traditional disease diagnoses precisely. Some believe it will eventually be considered in a specific medical condition, but not yet.

However, the FDA and plastic surgery associations have been paying more attention to BII in recent years.

For example, the FDA issued a statement in 2019 that stated it was taking steps to provide women with more information about BII.

The agency also said patients need to have as much information as possible about whether they should have breast implants or be removed to lessen BII symptoms.

How Many Patients Have Breast Implant Illness?

There haven’t been any clinical studies examining how many women with implants develop breast implant illness. But more patients have been reporting symptoms to their physicians in the past few years.

This could be because social media sites and media coverage enhances public awareness of BII.

Breast Implant Illness Diagnosis

There are no diagnostic tests at this time for BII. However, plastic surgeons who have treated patients with BII say they have several symptoms that are interfering with their daily activities. In addition, some patients have visited several doctors before they discovered their symptoms could be related to breast implants.

Clients with breast implant illness may have tried many treatments and tests to reduce symptoms. Generally, plastic surgeons try to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms unrelated to breast implants.

This could involve reviewing test results, such as for Lyme disease or arthritis. The doctor also may check if the symptoms improved after being treated for other conditions.

Some doctors recommend having a PET-CT scan if you have BII symptoms. This will check if you have a rare form of cancer-related to the implant.

Breast Implant Illness Treatment

BII isn’t a well-understood problem, but different plastic surgeons take various approaches to the condition.

Some surgeons who have treated BII say the treatment that is most likely to help is simply removing the breast implants and scar capsules around them. They report that it’s important to remove the scar capsules to reduce symptoms.

Other surgeons say a procedure called en bloc capsulectomy can help remove the capsule and breast implant in one piece. This surgery may help reduce biofilm, silicone, and other materials inside the capsule from leaking into the body.

Taking out all implant scar tissue may also reduce the risk of fluid collection in the area after a Chicago revision surgery.

Some patients with breast implant illness symptoms say they replace their implants with another type. This method may improve the symptoms, but some surgeons say the problem could recur.

Overall, it’s estimated that 75% of patients reporting BII said their symptoms lessened with the implants were removed.

Some say if the patient seems to react to breast implants, replacing them may not be the solution. Chicago fat transfer augmentation could be the answer.

If you are thinking about surgery to reduce your BII symptoms, talk to your surgeon about the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches.

Most breast augmentation and Chicago breast lift patients have successful surgeries, but BII can happen. There are many ways to treat the condition, so if you are having symptoms, talk to your surgeon today about the best solution.

Request A Breast Augmentation Consultation

Thinking about breast augmentation in Chicago? Dr. Otto Placik is proud to serve Chicago area patients at his practice. He’ll go over the options, goals, and more to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for breast augmentation.


Breast Implant Illness. (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/surgery/reconstruction/types/implants/special-report/breast-implant-illness

What To Know About Breast Implants. (2020). Accessed at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/what-know-about-breast-implants

Author: Dr. Otto Placik

Dr. Otto Placik is a Double-Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Chicago, a leader in the field of body sculpting, and is recognized for his artistry in a wide range of modern cosmetic enhancements.


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