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Many people immediately think of a facelift to reduce the signs of aging. Facelifts are fantastic, but did you know your neck and chin can show early signs of aging?

If you have sagging neck skin or a double chin, you may be considering neck and chin treatments to give you a more youthful appearance.

You’re not alone! Thousands of Americans have neck and chin surgery and treatments each year to rejuvenate their appearance. Below is more information about these procedures so you can make an informed decision.

Neck Lift Overview

A neck lift is intended to tighten and enhance the appearance of your neck by eliminating extra fat and tissue that develops as you get older.

The appearance of a sagging neck or double chin is usually caused by one of these factors:

  • A sagging platysma muscle
  • Extra fat that develops as the body’s metabolism slows
  • Presence of excess neck skin, which may be referred to as a turkey neck or wattle.

A traditional neck lift targets areas in your neck and under your chin to correct the signs of aging in the neck. If the chin or neck areas look out of proportion with the rest of the face, a neck lift can smooth everything out and make you look younger.

Men often choose a neck lift when they cannot button the top button of a dress shirt because of loose skin and neck fat.

You could be a great candidate for a neck lift if you have loose skin and fat in the neck and jawline. Youthful contours in your neck and chin can fade due to age, heredity, and stress.

Double Chin Surgery Overview

One of the first places to show aging is the neck. For some of us, fat is more likely to develop under the chin as the years go by. The extra loose skin and fat can affect your facial and jaw appearance.

The good news is your board-certified plastic surgeon can correct your double chin with one of several cosmetic procedures:

  • Chicago liposuction: This cosmetic procedure can give you a more attractive silhouette by removing fat from beneath the chin. You also can have liposuction on other parts of your body when you have chin liposuction.
  • Submentoplasty: This popular procedure combines liposuction for the chin with small incisions under your chin to make the muscles tighter.
  • Neck lift: Also referred to as a lower rhytidectomy, this is a plastic surgery procedure that cuts away extra skin and tightens the neck muscles to give improved contours to your face.

All of these procedures can lessen the appearance of your double chin, but not everyone is a good candidate. The best candidates are those with elastic skin that will adhere to the new contours of the neck after the procedure.

Non-Surgical Treatments For The Neck And Chin

Years ago, you only could improve the appearance of the neck and chin with surgery, but you have other options today.


For instance, Kybella is a popular chemical that can reduce the appearance of a double chin. When Kybella is injected into the neck or chin, it can destroy the cell membrane in fat, so that fat pockets break down.

One of the great things about this treatment is that once the Kybella injections destroy the fat tissue under the chin, it’s gone forever.

You will need about 50 Kybella injections during a treatment session, and you may need two to four sessions for ideal results.

At least 20 clinical studies have shown that Kybella can get rid of moderate or severe cases of chin fat in most people.


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive cooling treatment that breaks down fat in various parts of the body, including the chin, neck, abdomen, and love handles.

Your surgeon or physician places the CoolSculpting device under the chin or on the neck, which cools the tissue to break down fat tissue. Once the fat is broken down, it is slowly eliminated by natural body processes over several weeks.

The CoolScuplting process reduces the fat layers without doing any damage to the skin. Also, the treatment involves no discomfort or downtime, so it’s a good choice for people who want impressive results with few complications.

Most patients need two or three treatments to reduce the appearance of a double chin.


Ultherapy is a skin tightening procedure that doesn’t involve surgery to improve the appearance of the neck and chin.

The procedure works by sending ultrasonic waves into the deeper skin layers to encourage collagen and elastin production. The result is tighter and smoother skin without surgery. Most people need just one treatment for great results.

Book Your Plastic Surgery Procedure Today

Interested in a neck or chin treatment in Chicago? Dr. Placik will review your options in your free consultation, as well as go over your surgical goals. He’ll decide if you’re a good candidate for a neck or chin treatment.


Author: Dr. Otto Placik

Dr. Otto Placik is a Double-Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Chicago, a leader in the field of body sculpting, and is recognized for his artistry in a wide range of modern cosmetic enhancements.


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