Chicago: (312) 787-5313 Arlington Heights: (847) 398-1660
300 cc from upper back 300cc from mid back 800cc from each hip 350cc from each outer thigh 200cc from each inner thigh 1000cc from upper abdomen 1000cc from lower abdomen (all measurements after infiltration of tumescent
Liposuction of inner and outer thighs along with hips.
Liposuction of inner and outer thighs.
Liposuction of hips, chest, and abdomen.
Patient Height: 5’10” Patient Weight: 171lbs
Buttock Augmentation, Donor Areas ( Upper Back, Lumbosacral, Abdomen, & Hips).
Liposuction to Abdomen and Hips.
Liposuction of outer thighs.
Liposuction – Hips.
Liposuction to the Abdomen, Hips and Flanks.
Tummy Tuck with muscle Repair, Liposuction to Hips.
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